The Five Real Eras of World History
From the Foundations of the World to Forever...let's explore the five real eras of our world's past, present and future.
From the Foundations of the World to Forever...let's explore the five real eras of our world's past, present and future.
I believe all Christians are called to be leaders in some fashion, based on a unique amalgamation of their personality characteristics, spiritual gift(s), and their history or upbringing.
By presuppositions and assumptions it is meant the basic way an individual looks at life, his or her basic world-view, the glasses or the grid through which he sees the world. What if your presupposition is wrong?
The things created by the Lord Jesus Christ are now being held together—or sustained--conserved, if you prefer, by Him. As I continue with this, please understand that as an undergraduate biology major, indoctrinated by the white lab coats (science professors) I likely would have laughed at this scripture or idea.
Recent questionable—if not stunning—actions at the highest levels of the United States Department of Justice, the FBI, CIA and the Congressional Democrat leadership point to not only unimaginable corruption and political party preference/loyalty over what’s best for America, but a vacuum of real leadership.
American society is full of conflicts and volatile issues today that were virtually non-existent not too many years ago. These have undeniably led to an ever-deepening cultural chasm across America engulfed by a palpable national angst.